Spiritually-Assisted Emotional Healing by C. Riven Wood, is a great guide for people who are looking to promote emotional health through better living. The book is filled with great examples and exercises to help people recognize areas in their lives where they may be coping with emotional pain rather actually dealing with it. With a variety of methods and step by step instructions, this book is sure to be a benefit for every reader. However, it is important for readers to realize that this book is not a substitute for professional assistance such as psychotherapy or medications for chemical imbalances.

   I like the way Wood presents the information in this book. It is written in a very easy to read common sense manner which makes it more effective for readers. The book includes many varied methods, including a modified 12 step method, which insures every reader will have success. I also liked the fact that the book starts out by explaining the differences between healing and coping, and how coping can actually lead to larger issues in the future. This book is a great resource that should be part of every library.