Results-focused Step Work


The idea:


If the steps are going to change my life from the old to the new, then each step needs to produce a change in my life, represented by the footprints. Any method for producing that change is "working" that step. Conversely, following the directions in your fellowship's copyrighted version of the steps is not working that step if it doesn't produce the needed result. We are asking for trouble when we follow directions and assume that the needed change has happened, with no way to check. And trouble is what many of us get. A tragic number of us.

We can address that problem by talking about what the 12 necessary changes are, rather than telling each other how to achieve them. This is the results-focused approach.

When we can name that set of changes, we have a description of recovery that even a newcomer can understand. We have a goal at each step and can allow each other to accomplish it in whatever way works for us. And we can determine whether or not we have accomplished it. We can sponsor each other by asking, rather than telling, the sponsee how to do the step. We can stop arguing about what method is right and acknowledge that change happens in its own way, rarely by design. And we can troubleshoot a failed process, whether a relapse or simply less harmony and happiness than we deserve.


The results:

Below are the needed changes as I understand them. Each step must cause me to:
1. stop doing what I have been doing that doesn't work.
2. seek a solution that works.
3. commit to making a better life, one with ethical behavior, healthy relationships, good self-care, and peace of mind.
4. identify the obstacles to adopting a new way of life.
5. get outside perspective on the list of obstacles (outside my own blind spots).
6. face the feelings brought up by change. Identify unmet needs driving compulsive behavior.
7. seek new solutions for the problems identified, including effective strategies for meeting needs.
8. integrate the new answers into social thinking.
9. integrate the new answers into relationships.
10. integrate the new answers into daily habits.
11. broaden my application of the new answers to other areas of my life. Improve impulse control through meditation.
12. apply the new answers to the future I'm building.

New wording for the above, as it evolves.

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Workshop Series:


A 15week workshop concentrating on the results of step work rather than the methods. Teusdays 7-8 pm ET
Examples will mainly be Al-Anon issues, but the meetings are open to anyone, regardless of what version of the steps you use or what type of problem you are addressing.
If you missed the first week, please watch the video below. Otherwise you will be lost.

Currently we are

Filling in Step 1 on the worksheet. (Link to the worksheet below.)
I have changed the wording of the step 1 result on the methods.rtf file. View here or download here.


syllabus for the 15 weeks
the worksheet we re using
17 pages with more detail on results-focused work
list of ways people use to do the work
18 minute podcast with an intro to results-focused work
video of week 1
flier about the workshop

Send questions to rwbComments at